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The Surveillance and Monitoring Assessment Exercise -

Select  effective CCTV operators


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Ensure your CCTV operator can fulfill the potential of your system

The Surveillance and Monitoring Exercise (SAMAE) evaluates the human performance requirements for operator surveillance and particularly CCTV.    Used for selection, placement, and training diagnosis, it allows you to identify people who can stay constantly vigilant, who can process and analyze visual information on a sustained basis, and rapidly detect,identify and react to incidents and anomalies.

A range of clients in the fields of diamond handling, gold production, casinos, and town centre policing are already using SAMAE to assess and select their CCTV staff.  SAMAE is also relevant to defence, air traffic control and radar operations.

Click for more on SAMAE


A realistic emergency operator simulation for selecting and developing 911 type operators.

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Select the right person for when your life is on the line.

Axis-911 is an emergency operator simulation package for selecting, placing and developing personnel in 911 type emergency and police control rooms. Put people through the demands and pressures of an emergency function to determine whether they have the competencies and temperament to succeed. Whether used for selection or to build competencies as part of a development program, Axis-911 can ensure you have high quality emergency control operators to service the public.

Axis-911 is a leading international product that can be customised if necessary to any control room function or emergency situation simulation.

Click for more on AXIS-911


Driver Profiling System -

Identify personnel with safe driving characteristics

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Infocheck evaluates the capacity of personnel to process and identify anomolies and inconsistencies in clerical, security related, and accounting related information.  Infocheck is relevant to personnel working in administration, warehousing, security access controls, banking and Government departments.  It is a competency based assessment package which will allow you to profile problem areas in a person's processing of text and numerial screen based information.

Currently in development



Evaluate electronic document processing ability (in development).




A stand alone package which allows you to process scores for any psychological test or training instrument to create norms.  Quickly and effortlessly create norms for instruments used in selection, assessment, personal and group development, and surveys of employee perceptions and attitudes. Full norm tables allow you to evaluate performance using stanines, stens, percentile distribution, or standard scores. Quality control of your instrument is provided for by descriptive statistics, reliability coefficients and indications of the characteristics of the distribution. You can also view your data by graphing the distribution profile, including the position of stanines.

Click for more on NormMaker                Click for an explanation of norms


Jung Interpreter

The Jung Interpreter is a software package designed to provide a generic reporting facility for instruments, questionnaires, interviews, and self analysis techniques derived from Jung's theory of personality types. The program provides professionally written reports on twenty three dimensions that are likely to be of concern to users working in selection, training, counselling, team building, and self development.

Click for more on Jung Interpreter



A range of psychological assessment tools including:

NormMaker - Easily create norms for any psychological instruments you use.

Jung Interpreter - An interpretation program for Jung based personality instruments.

Perscalc-16  - A formula calculation program for the 16PF

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