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The Surveillance and Monitoring Assessment Exercise - Select effective CCTV operators A realistic emergency operator simulation for selecting and developing 911 type operators. Driver Profiling System - Identify personnel with safe driving characteristics
Evaluate electronic document processing ability (in development).
Packages A range of psychological assessment tools including: NormMaker - Easily create norms for any psychological instruments you use. Jung Interpreter - An interpretation program for Jung based personality instruments.
The new Grand West casino in Cape Town, one of the biggest in the Southern Hemisphere, uses SAMAE for the selection and placment of all surveillance operators. Stevenage becomes the latest UK town centre whose operators are selected using SAMAE. Alberton City Council introduces SAMAE to ensure that operators chosen for town centre surveillance can deliver expected results. SAMAE extends its use in gold mining industry as new CCTV operations in Goldfields mines select their operators using SAMAE results. The new Broadwalk Casino uses SAMAE as standard for all new surveillance operators while Carnival City orders additional SAMAE credits to handle staffing for its new growth requirements. Sussex Police, one of the most geographically extensive CCTV operations in the UK starts using SAMAE for operator placement. Broadmoor Hospital becomes the first hospital operation to use SAMAE and Observer for the better protection of patients and assets by identifying highly vigilant operators. Now SAMAE offers royal protection with its use by the Borough of Windsor, including amoung its coverage the areas around Windsor Castle. With coverage of its town centre, the Borough has to ensure that tourists, residents and the royal family are secure and protected. A beautiful part of England, the Borough of Windsor has one of the most challanging areas in the UK, with high through traffic, Heathrow flights flying overhead virtually every 60 seconds or so, the high tourist numbers, and the presence of one of the royal palaces in its area of responsibility. At meetings during the annual ASIS conference and exhibtion in Las Vegas, Charlie Pierce, one of the foremost United States CCTV consultants endorses SAMAE and the new Observer exercise. BHP in Canada introduce SAMAE to assess surveillance personnel in their Yellowknife diamond operations. SAMAE introduced at Sydney Casino, Star City and at Melbourne's Crown Casino, two of Australia's premier casinos. These are also probably the biggest casinos in the southern hemisphere. Three of the worlds premier gold mining companies, Anglogold, Goldfields and JCI use SAMAE for selection of CCTV personnel. The Borough of High Wycome on the edge of London adds SAMAE to leading edge technology at the town CCTV scheme. Seen as a model site in the UK, management of the centre has combined the best of technology with a serious look at operators to provide impressive reductions in crime levels. The IEE People in Control international conference on Human Interfaces in Control Rooms, Cockpits and Command Centres includes a paper presented by Dr Craig Donald of Leaderware - "Assessing the human vigilance capacity of control room operators". Lodge Services - A international security group with a major presence in protecting the retail industry uses SAMAE for the selection of CCTV and surveillance personnel. With a number of elite stores and a reputation for top quality service, Lodge Services now raises the benchmark of service to the retail trade even higher. Windows 95/98 - New version of SAMAE which supports DirectX is released. With soother graphics, 32bit applications, and a range of new features it represents a major advance in technology. It also opens up the opportunity for new test designs. Carousel Casino - the second largest CCTV installation in the Southern Hemisphere passes 300 SAMAE evaluations - also selecting for new casino. The Carousel is the main training centre for the Sun International group which includes the famed "Lost City", site of the Million Dollar golf tournament. Anglogold listed on the New York Stock Exchange - Also a user of SAMAE on their mines, including the largest gold mine in the world. Kimberley police use SAMAE for assessing prospective staff for the third stage extension of the Kimberley City Centre CCTV system. SAMAE has been used at each stage to identify police personnel to staff the growing centre. Tsogo Sun casino group uses SAMAE to screen
all applicants for the CCTV security surveillance function at its new casino operation.
SAMAE has been made an integral part of the screening for new personnel in the
Security department who will be responsible for surveillance duties. |
Hi-Tech Security Systems, May 1988 edition covers launch of AXIS-911. Leaderware exhibit at SECUREX in Johannesburg. The new AXIS-911 emergency operator is shown at the exhibition and attracts widespread interest amoung personnel in the emergency services industry. CCTV Today, the UK's prestige security magazine features SAMAE as cover story in January, 1998 edition. Titled "Dialing into the Operator", the feature introduces SAMAE and gives an idea of how more effective selection can contribute to system effectiveness. Leaderware exhibit at SECUREX UK at Olympia, London in January was well received by public and press. |