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The Surveillance and Monitoring Assessment Exercise -

Select  effective CCTV operators

This page outlines some of the acknowledgements that SAMAE and AXIS-911 have received from leading international magazines and other professional sources.


Technical Report on SAMAE Validation Study

Dr Craig Donald's contributing editor articles on human factors in Hi-Tech Security Systems


A realistic emergency operator simulation for selecting and developing 911 type operators.

InternationalSecurity - SAMAE.gif (17862 bytes)INTERNATIONAL SECURITY REVIEW

Never Underestimate the Human Factor - No.104, May/June 1998

"It's thus recommended that any selection process for CCTV operators be composed of a number of techniques including ... SAMAE and personality instruments to provide the best possible evaluation of personnel."

".. to produce a comparable level of increase in system performance by investing in further technology is likely to be prohibitively expensive and unrealistic"

CCTVToday - SAMAE.gif (20288 bytes)CCTV TODAY

Dialing into the Operator - January, 1998, Vol 5, No1

"Designed specifically around surveillance and monitoring functions using video and/or computer technology, SAMAE has broad based applicability for positions where the ability to identify incidents or anomalies and sustained concentration is required."

"An operator who either does not have the competencies or switches off to the demands of the job, can defeat the whole objective of the system."


Driver Profiling System -

Identify personnel with safe driving characteristics

SecuritySystems-Khayalami.gif (21287 bytes)HI-TECH SECURITY SYSTEMS

Leaderware Launches Axis-911  -  July, 1998  Vol 4 No. 5

"Axis-911 ensures high quality emergency control room operators to service the public."

"The first package of its kind which directly addresses the selection and training of emergency operators."



Evaluate electronic document processing ability (in development).



Life on the Line - By Dr C. Donald

9-10 July, 1998 at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research

"There is no better way of assessing the operator - If it was your life, what would you want?"



A range of psychological assessment tools including:

NormMaker - Easily create norms for any psychological instruments you use.

Jung Interpreter - An interpretation program for Jung based personality instruments.

Perscalc-16  - A formula calculation program for the 16PF

SecuritySystems - SAMAE.gif (18306 bytes)HI-TECH SECURITY SYSTEMS

SAMAE Surveillance and Monitoring Assessment Exercise - May, 1998  Vol 3, No. 2

"SAMAE allows you to select and place the right people to ensure you surveillance technology and systems are used optimally and fulfill their purpose...  SAMAE is an essential part of the success of any surveillance system."