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CCTV training on on surveillance skills and body langauge makes all the difference.  Leaderware provide a range of training courses designed to increase the awareness of operators, supervisors, and managers of CCTV schemes as well as other parties involved in the use of CCTV information such as intelligence, investigations and audit.

Courses currently available include:

CCTV Surveillance Skills and Body Language

Advanced Surveillance Body Language

Intelligence Led Surveillance (in association with s2i)



International CCTV Training Specialists with experience in:

United Kingdom







CCTV Surveillance Skills and Body Language Course

The CCTV Surveillance Skills course develops essential skills for supervisory and operator personnel doing operational, close and forensic surveillance.  This two day course incorporates elements of security risk factors, observation skills, psychology and body language, and profiling activities.  Delegates take away a focus on how to conduct observation, increased ability to recognise and read incident risk behaviour, awareness of their surveillance area, and an understanding of what to look for when conducting CCTV surveillance. The training of operators in how to conduct surveillance is seen to be key to successful control room operation and the delivery of an effective service. The course will provide a greater focus for CCTV operators and is likely to significantly improve both performance, as well as motivation on the job as operators become more accomplished and achieve greater levels of detection.

Course outcomes include improved detection skills, evidence collection, and an understanding of how body language can be applied to identifying incidents. Video incidents and other material is used to enhance the transfer learning points to workplace observation. Presented internationally, the  training has included delegates from police, city centres, casino and gaming, diamond and gold operations, motor manufacturers and a national postal service.

Advanced Surveillance Body Language

The Advanced Surveillance Body Language (or Non-verbal communications) course takes the concepts covered in the standard course further and provides greater focus and depth on key issues around surveillance and the use of body language to identify and profile incident scenarios and the detection of events and incidents.

Intelligence Led CCTV Surveillance

A ground breaking course which combines intelligence thinking and techniques, and CCTV strategy and operations, to unlock and exploit the value of advanced CCTV systems and technology as part of a risk management strategy.  Developed together with s2i,   the course provides unique insights into how to leverage intelligence and CCTV information to provide a value added security function.

The course provides participants with the skills to enable CCTV operations to generate valuable intelligence to support security and investigative operations, and also provides participants with the knowledge and skills to integrate intelligence products into the planning and conduct of surveillance operations,