This is a sample report on SAMAE performance. This document contains extracts from a standard report. There are three main compnents of the report - a statistical indication of results, a grapical indication, and a text report which puts the person's performance in context.



Scanning Exercise

Accuracy (responses within optimal period):             73.810        Stanine: 8

Accuracy (responses within acceptable period):       83.333       Stanine: 9

Accuracy (all response times combined):                    88.095        Stanine: 7

Average Response time:                                                 3.038          Stanine: 8

Standard deviation of Response times:                        2.593          Stanine: 7

Total Number of events missed:                                    5                 Stanine: 7

Total Number of false alarms raised:                             1                 Stanine: 9  

Note: This section of the report provides basic statistics. The accuracy rates reflect percentage of items detected. Stanine scores reflect how well the person scored compared to a norm of people who have completed the exercise (eg., the casino industry). In addition, response time is measured in seconds, and the events and false alarms are noted. False alarms have been shown to be a good indicator of problems in quality of on-the-job performance. This type of information is available for each five minute period of the exercise.


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The graphic profile gives an indication of the persons accuracy of detection across the exercise period. One can instantly see the rate at which incidents have been detected as well as any dynamics in behavior - for example whether people lose concentration at any time during the exercise (particularly towards the end). Reaction times are also plotted and the same dynamics can be viewed.   Graphic profiles are available for each exercise.


These sections of the report provide a written description of the performance of the person on a number of aspects.

Scanning Exercise

Scanning - Optimal Accuracy

Mr Smith's capacity for consistently scanning visual information within optimal time tolerances and over an extended time period is very good. He demonstrates very rapid review, search, and recognition skills and is able to relate easily to both detail as well as the broader context in which the information is presented. His recognition of even subtle changes when engaged in pursuit-based tracking is done almost instantly and he follows moving targets and can identify any discrepancies with relative ease. He should be able to detect incidences of short duration and respond very quickly to these. The person is likely to make very effective use of short term memory in his analysis with strong benefit when comparing situations to standards or previous occurrences. This would assist in the making of high speed responses during matching tasks or where anomalies need to be detected, and would reduce the need to continually refer back to representations of what is appropriate.

Scanning - False Alarms

Mr Smith makes virtually no errors in incorrectly identifying standard visual situations as anomalies. If accompanied by a high accuracy score for the Scanning Exercise, this indicates an exceptional ability to scan and process information accurately and with very high self confidence. When it is accompanied by low detection rates, it may indicate a person with an excessively cautious approach where he would avoid a response rather than taking the risk of a non-confirmed decision.

Scanning - Response Time

Mr Smith is very quick to scan, pick up and respond to anomalies or changes in visually displayed information. If this is accompanied by good accuracy levels in the exercise, it reflects a perceptual ability to scan and detect issues in visual scenes very quickly and efficiently. In such cases the person can almost immediately assess the context and particulars of a situation and take rapid action.

Dynamic Attention

Dynamic Attention - 4 Seconds

Mr Smith shows a good capacity for operating within a situation requiring sustained concentration where he must divide and allocate his attention between multiple information sources. He readily detects incidents involving changes in the characteristics or motion of an object and uses his peripheral vision to maintain a focus on the situation as a whole. He uses his personal resources effectively in monitoring most of what is happening within a situation and is seldom restricted in his area of focus. Mr Smith is good at switching between different aspects of a situation and is likely to be flexible and relatively efficient in the use of information resources when having to scan a number of visual inputs. Mr Smith appears quick at coordinating a correct physical response when detecting an occurance and reorientates quickly following a shift of attention.

Dynamic Attention - Response Time

Mr Smith obtained a response time slightly below the norm for the changes he picked up during the exercise. This possibly indicates that he missed a higher proportion of initial changes than the general trend but managed to react appropriately when he detected the objects changing back to normal. Alternatively, his identification of the appropriate response and physical reaction may be slightly slower than the general standard.

Dynamic Attention - False Alarms

Mr Smith has well below the typical level of false alarms for the Dynamic Attention exercise and appears to be able to be accurate in his identification of changes within a dynamic situation. He had few false alarms even though he was acting under pressure. He may display a slight caution at times and prefer to avoid an incorrect decision and his detection rate should be high if he is to perform effectively.

Incident Detection - 4 Seconds

Mr Smith has a good capacity to process ongoing visual information showing the behaviour of people and detect and respond quickly to incidents that are identified. His good performance would also reflect itself in being alert and being able to filter acceptable and non-acceptable behaviours. He tolerates ongoing changes in visual cues without much difficulty and appears to deal adeptly with applying classification of behaviour to allow him recognise the broad application of behaviour. He homes in quickly on relevant cues and can select appropriate action under pressure relatively well within short time limits. He would tend to be fairly consistent in his perception of situations and his judgement over time.

Incident Detection - Response Time

Mr Smith's response time to detected items occurs exceptionally quickly. When he is able to perceive the relevant behaviour this is done quickly and he coordinates a physical response almost instantaneously.

Incident Detection - False Alarms

Mr Smith has well below the typical level of false alarms and appears to be able to be quick and accurate in his perception of behaviour cues. He seldom initiates a false alarm and is capable of discriminating between actual incident behaviours and those that are similar to them, even where he is acting under intensive time pressure. He may display a slight caution at times and prefer to avoid an incorrect decision and his detection rate should be high if he is to perform effectively.